The Help - License Information menu option displays your company name and Forms571 license key.  The trial version of the software acts virtually the same as the licensed version.  The only difference is the word "DEMO" is printed on the forms.
You can fully enable your copy of Forms571 by printing a copy of the order form and contacting County Software according to the instructions on the form.  See Printing an Order Form.  You may also order online from our website at
The company name and license number are directly related:  once you register the software you should not change either field.  If the company name and license number do not match, the behavior of the software will revert back to the trial version until the registered company name and license key are reentered.
To change your company name and receive an updated license key, please call our office at (303) 530-4983 or log onto our website at and follow the links for changing your licensed company name. 
If you have problems with your license key;
1) Verify that your company name is entered EXACTLY as it shown in your license key document.
2) Check the office field.  This field should usually be empty unless your company has a multiple location license.  The separate office name would be included on your license key if it is appicable.  If you are in doubt please contact us.
3) Verify that your license key is entered EXACTLY as it shown in your license key document.  The first part of license key contains the number zero [0] not the letter "o".